Innovations in coloring

Permedia Ltd.

ul. Grenadierów 9
20-331 Lublin
tel.: (+48) 81 744 12 71 do 73
fax: (+48) 81 744 03 74


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego Program Operacyjny Polska Wschodnia 2014-2020
Oś priorytetowa I Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia
Działanie 1.3 Ponadregionalne powiązania kooperacyjne
Poddziałanie 1.3.1 Wdrażanie innowacji przez MŚP


Rozbudowa Infrastruktury badawczo - rozwojowej w Zakładach Chemicznych „PERMEDIA" S.A.


Welcome to Permedia website

Technically speaking


Welcome to our website.


We invite you to familiarize yourself with our latest offer. We offer masterbaches - additives for plastics in the form of granules, which enable simple and cheap change of the material’s color or change of its physicochemical properties.

We divide masterbatches into four main groups: white, color, black and refining , it means  processing additives.

Launched by us in recent years production lines are one of the most modern in the world, allowed us to increase productivity and obtain products with high quality parameters at attractive prices.

The masterbatches produced by us are used in a number of applications, including the technical the most demanding ones.

Due to its properties, plastics allow replacing the majority of natural raw materials, such as: stone, glass, metal, leather, wood or ceramics. This is a large group of materials applicable in practically every area of our lives, therefore that their easy processing and dyeing is extremely important for producers who are our clients.

In 2018, our production was enriched with new production lines for the production of innovative product line: PLASTOMIX. The Plastomix  are masterbatches which is a synergistic combination of coloring and auxiliary agents for plastics processing, i.e. a chalk filler and a moisture absorber. The second group of products, which we are intensively developing, are processing additives from the ADDPERM line.

Thanks to last investments the annual production capacity has increased by another 900 tonnes, giving us an annual production volume of nearly 19 thousand tone.

Increasing of the production capacity is associated with the opportunity to present you new, innovative products in all our products groups .


We invite you to cooperation

Yours faithfully, The Managment of Permedia Ltd.


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